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Resources for Supporting Survivors of Conversion Therapy

Explore The Trevor Project’s resources for survivors, parents, and supporters in the fight to end conversion therapy.
Guide Length: Short

Conversion Therapy Survivor Resources

If you are a survivor of conversion therapy in crisis, please immediately use the TrevorLifeline (1-866-488-7386). You deserve immediate help. Please also review our digital crisis services, TrevorChat and TrevorText. Behind each of these services, Trevor counselors are eager to discuss your situation and support your journey. We hear from you. We’re here for you.

We cannot understate the importance of proper mental health care for survivors of conversion therapy. The Association of LGBTQ+ Psychiatrists has a database through which you can identify affirming mental health professionals in your area. Many survivors of conversion therapy find refuge and support in faith communities. The GALIP Foundation has a listing through which you can determine affirming Christian congregations nearby. Finally, local LGBTQ+ community centers can offer vital support and encouragement to survivors of conversion therapy. CenterLink has a directory through which you can locate an LGBTQ+ community center close to you. You are not alone.

Parent Resources for Understanding Conversion Therapy

If you are a parent considering conversion therapy for your child, please know that lesbian, gay and bisexual youth from highly rejecting families are over eight times more likely to attempt suicide than youth from families who accept them as they are. Conversion therapy is a dangerous and discredited practice; here is a resource to further explain the negative impact that conversion therapy can have on your child.

Instead, please consider advocacy and make use of the Trevor Support Center, a place where individuals can find answers to frequently asked questions and explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity and more. My Kid Is Gay is also a valuable digital forum that strives to help families understand and embrace their LGBTQ+ children.

Legal Resources

If you are an attorney, policymaker or legislator interested in advancing the cause of the 50 Bills 50 States campaign, please email [email protected] for our legal resources and toolkits.