
The Importance of Safe Language On Social Media

As a suicide prevention organization for LGBTQ+ young people, The Trevor Project regularly sees unsafe language that many use on social media without consideration for others’ mental health. Whether targeting our organization, the LGBTQ+ young people we serve, or the judges, government officials, advocates, and supporters who work with us, there is an urgent need for social media platforms and their users to take action to protect the safety of our community. The Trevor Project is strongly aware of the negative impact that language can have on mental health; unsafe language and harassment is often directed at the LGBTQ+ youth…
Trevor Talks Episode two logo How to talk safely about suicide.

TrevorTalks Unpacks Talking About Suicide Safely

One of the hardest topics to talk about is suicide. Many of us may know people who have attempted or lost their lives to suicide, but talking about it can often feel taboo. We live in a society that sweeps a lot of tough conversations under the rug. In 2017, a person died by suicide every 11 minutes. It’s the second leading cause of death among young people ages 10-14, and the third leading cause for young people ages 15-24. Suicide is currently considered a public health crisis in the United States. But even though it’s such a common cause…