Youth's Lives Every Day
“Trevor Ally Trainings and Trevor CARE Trainings are available in person and online for supportive adults nationwide.”
While our Trevor Lifeguard Workshop is for youth, Trevor Ally Trainings and Trevor CARE Trainings are designed for adult allies including parents, teachers, and social workers. CARE Trainings and Ally Trainings are available in-person for your staff, company, or member organization, or online for groups and individuals.
The Trevor Ally Program helps adults support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning young people by learning the specific risks and challenges they face and how they can become an “ally” by knowing valuable resources and strategies.
The Trevor CARE Trainings help adults who work with youth learn to “Connect, Accept, Respond and Empower” (CARE) young people in crisis. This training discusses LGBTQ+-specific risk factors for suicide, explores protective factors that can lower these risks and how to help youth get the support they need.