Photo of Nova Bright-Williams

Nova Bright-Williams On Trans Day of Remembrance

Today marks my tenth Trans Day of Remembrance with The Trevor Project, but within our broader movement, this important day dates back to 1999. It was started by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, a trans activist, as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a trans woman who had been killed in 1998. Today, it has grown into a global observance that serves as a stark reminder of the continuous struggle for trans rights and acceptance. As a trans woman who has found so much joy, acceptance, and peace this year, it feels especially important for me to take time today…

The Power of Affirmation: Stories from Trevor Staff

The Power of Affirmation: Stories from Trevor Staff Affirmation is life-giving. It is an incredibly powerful feeling to be understood, accepted, and celebrated for who you are, especially when understanding and affirmation are hard to come by. So many LGBTQ+ young people struggle to find that affirmation, whether at school, in their own homes, or with themselves. And holidays approaching reminds many LGBTQ+ young people of places they cannot be themselves. We deeply wish for every LGBTQ+ young person to have at least one person they can rely on for support (which is why we’re here 24/7) because we know…
Photo of LGBTQ+ young people featured in episode 2 of Sharing Space with Nova Bright from The Trevor Project.

Learn from LGBTQ+ Young People with Episode 2 of “Sharing Space”

Following the first episode of our educational series “Sharing Space” moderated by longtime Trevor supporter Daniel Radcliffe, we’re proud to launch our second episode featuring one of Trevor’s own: Nova Bright-Williams, our Head of Internal Training, Learning, and Development, speaking to LGBTQ+ young people about how we can best show up for them. This second episode of “Sharing Space'' features transgender, intersex, queer, and nonbinary young people who join Bright to talk about their experiences with gender euphoria, stigma, and acceptance. These candid conversations have the power to teach allies and LGBTQ+ people alike about the power of affirmation.  “I…
Photo of Mikki Brooke

Be the One with Donor Mikki Brooke

Our donors show us how to be the one every single day – their support is a crucial part of our community and their life-saving gifts make our work possible. Whether big or small, every donation helps us build a world where LGBTQ+ young people see a bright future for themselves. Millions of LGBTQ+ young people consider suicide each year, many without access to mental health resources. Last year, The Trevor Project served over half a million contacts and gave them a safe space through our intervention services. You can be the one by making a life-saving donation and ensure…

How to Go Home for the Holidays

Despite having two parents who loved me, a home, food, and clothes, I had pediatric depression. Christmas — the holiday that my family celebrates — became a primary challenge in my elementary school years. For whatever reason, whether it was the compulsory joy or the forced extended time spent with family, I found it nearly impossible to be happy on December 25. This was met with confusion and eventually anger from my mom, whose favorite holiday is Christmas. If she noticed my moping, I was to smile immediately. “Smile, wear the red velvet dress and white tights. I don’t care…

New Year’s Resolution Refresh

Last year, I wrote about New Year’s resolutions and the pressure to compete for prizes of self-care valor. I asked for a pause on the toxic pressure to be incredible — there’s no need to overcommit to a plan of self-improvement if that’s not your thing. But I do think it’s important to intentionally reflect on how you can improve your relationship to the world, and the first week of January can be a great time to do that. I have many personal resolutions for myself this upcoming year, one of them being to say hello to people I know…