
Practicing Self-Care, Step-by-Step

If you find yourself feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or just “off,” you’re not alone. Everyone needs to take care of themselves, even if it’s just enjoying a quick snack or doing simple breathing exercises. Self-care is essential, but it can be challenging to make time for it. And if you struggle with your mental health, it can be even tougher to make self-care a part of your routine. To make self-care a little easier, we made a guide that will take you step-by-step through different forms of self-care. You don’t have to follow it to the letter, but we hope this…

The Value of Queer Latinx Joy

Written by Sue Cardenas-Soto (they/them), Copywriter National Latinx Heritage Month isn’t just a time to celebrate the histories and accomplishments of Latinx people — it’s also about learning about their struggles, their joys, and breaking down the barriers they face.  I can’t write about this without naming where my family is from, which intimately informs who I am. My dad is from and lives in Mexico City. My mom’s parents were Cuban refugees and missionaries who traveled across Latin America (Ecuador, Venezuela, El Salvador) before coming to the United States. My abuelo was a near-perfect archetype of a Cuban patriarch:…

Allies Help Make LGBTQ+ History Happen

Ask any LGBTQ+ person, or any person for that matter, about the impact of an affirming adult on their life, and you will likely get more than a name. You’ll get a story. In a Trevor Project meeting last week, we did exactly that. We went around and shared the impact of allies in our lives when we were young. Some of the answers made us laugh and some moved us close to tears. Everyone at Trevor vividly recounted someone — a parent, a coach, a friend’s parent (and a disproportionate amount of English, drama, and art teachers) — whose support…

Coming Out Stories from Our Community

For Coming Out Day, we asked our community and LGBTQ young people about their coming out stories. What they shared proves that coming out is different from person to person, and that no matter what, everyone deserves to come out how and if they want. Share your coming out story: When I first came out to my mom, she said "omg me too!" and the same thing happened with my best friend. I wrote a letter to my mom and left to go to my friend's house, and told her to call me once she read it :) I just…

Online Safety for LGBTQ+ Young People

The Trevor Project and our partner Gen have collaborated on a timely new Guide to Online Safety for LGBTQ+ Young People, allowing our young people and parents to explore positive ways for social media and the internet to build community and mitigate the risks of bullying, scams, and other dangers. Check out our Guide and consider sharing it with the young people in your life.