Sue Cardenas-Soto

Follow Sue Through Their First Week At The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is getting ready for an exciting 2022: we recently welcomed 24 new team members, the largest new hire cohort in the organization’s history. Among them is myself, Sue Cardenas-Soto (they/them), and I am bringing a love for writing, a devotion to the LGBTQ community, and my personal identities as a non-binary, queer, MexiCuban to The Trevor Project as a Copywriter.  My first week at The Trevor Project was nothing if not exhilarating. I was stunned not only by the urgent need for LGBTQ-specific crisis services (42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year)…
Person sitting alone on bench in locker room

In Sports, Fairness Should Never Equal Exclusion

For many young people, being an athlete is a major source of pride, community, and accomplishment. That’s why it’s important for major athletic associations to have policies in place that provide inclusion and opportunities for LGBTQ athletes to participate and excel in their sport of choice. And while nearly one in three LGBTQ young people reported participating in sports, many choose not to partake due to LGBTQ-based discrimination, like state-level policies and legislation that imply, intentionally or not, that inclusion of transgender athletes ruins a sport’s “fairness.” Any blanket ban that prevents trans athletes from participating in sports they love…
Reema Wheeler

Black@Trevor Spotlight: Reema Wheeler

At The Trevor Project, we create intentional spaces, called Affinity Groups, that allow members of Team Trevor to connect with each other around their different intersectional identities. Over the next few months, we’ll feature member spotlights from across Trevor’s Affinity Groups. This month, we’re proud to spotlight TrevorSpace Supervisor and Black@Trevor member Reema Wheeler (she/they). As one of The Trevor Project’s pioneering Affinity Groups,  Black@Trevor leads with a mission to create spaces and resources for employees who identify within the Black Diaspora (and their allies) to connect, grow relationships, and build community. Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?  "Speak…

Black@Trevor Spotlight: Malik Ensley

At The Trevor Project, we create intentional spaces, called Affinity Groups, that allow members of Team Trevor to connect with each other around their different intersectional identities.  Over the next few months, we’ll feature member spotlights from across Trevor’s Affinity Groups.  This month, we’re proud to spotlight Trevor Training Associate and Black@Trevor member Malik Ensley (they/them). As one of The Trevor Project’s pioneering Affinity Groups,  Black@Trevor leads with a mission to create spaces and resources for employees who identify within the Black Diaspora (and their allies) to connect, grow relationships, and build community. Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? …
Active minds people collage

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Crisis Services

Public Availability and Disclosure of Mental Health Resources at HEIs Introduction Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) often take on a “home away from home” role for the students that attend them, and as such are integral to maintaining students’ mental health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that suicide is the second leading cause of death for those ages 18-24, the average age of college students. This public health crisis disproportionately impacts LGBTQ students, who are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their straight, cisgender peers. Young adults may benefit from having access to peer…
Tangerine Violet Gradient

The Trevor Project Files Amicus Brief in 11th Circuit Supporting Transgender & Nonbinary Youth Access to School Restrooms

The Trevor Project filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Adams v. The School Board of St. Johns County. Trevor is supporting Andrew Adams, a transgender student whose school denied him access to boys' restrooms and attempted to force him to use gender-neutral facilities no other students used. The amicus brief provides the Court and the public with The Trevor Project’s unique insights into the serious harms inflicted on transgender students when they are denied access to school facilities consistent with their gender identity. The Trevor Project hears regularly via our…